Unisa’s graduates should have distinctive graduate qualities, with a clear appreciation of our location on the African continent, notwithstanding the increasing internationalisation of higher education. Unisa graduates have, as a result of their successful completion of their studies in an ODL context, unique qualities. These qualities are included in the following statement on graduateness:
Unisa graduates:
(i) Are independent, resilient, responsible and caring citizens who are able to fulfil and serve in multiple roles in their immediate and future local, national and global communities.
(ii) Have a critical understanding of their location on the African continent with its histories, challenges and potential in relation to globally diverse contexts.
(iii) Are able to critically analyse and evaluate the credibility and usefulness of information and data from multiple sources in a globalised world with its ever increasing information and data flows and competing worldviews.
(iv) Know how to apply their discipline-specific knowledges competently, ethically and creatively to solve real-life problems.
(v) Are critically aware of their own learning and developmental needs and future potential.
(Unisa Curriculum Policy, pp. 13,14)
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